Nutrition and fitness professionals highly appreciate nuts properties and their nutritional contribution. In their composition, there’s a minimum water proportion and a high-calorie level which makes them an excellent energy source.
Even though, nuts’ benefits are usually diminished or questioned by their caloric intake. The truth is that each of them has particular properties, often unknown, of great importance for a proper body functioning.
Properties and consumption of nuts
The primary recommendation when it comes to eating nuts is to do it without adding salt, frying or toasting. Its natural consumption enhanced their nutritional contribution and guarantees obtaining the highest amount of nuts benefits.
When we add salt to a handful of nuts, we are overly increasing the need to drink fluids, overloading the kidneys and the chances of suffering hypertension.
Top 5: perfect nuts for a healthy diet
1. Peanut
Peanuts come from a legume plant; they are rich in folic acid, proteins, isoflavones, omega-6 fats, and fibers. Regularly eating peanuts helps you reduce cholesterol and prevent cardio disease
2. Nuts
Are incredible to prevent cardiovascular affections. They have the highest amount of Omega3 fatty acids. While they are fatty foods, most of them are polyunsaturated fat, improving cardiovascular parameters without weight gaining.
3. Macadamia nuts
Mainly they are known for being a heart-healthy fruit. Its properties and benefits come from omega-3 and 9 fats, proteins, minerals, polyphenols, and flavonoids. They have a high antioxidant power, but in general, they are better known for their particular ability to fight cholesterol.
4. Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts are notable for their high mineral content, mainly selenium. Also, high in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that helps positively to reduce the adverse effects of free radicals delaying the aging process.
5. Almonds
Like other nuts, almonds have properties to help lower cholesterol and reduce heart attacks risks. They contain starch, sucrose, glucose and a high concentration of fats. Another crucial almonds property is their high vitamin E, calcium, and phosphorus content, which strengthens bone structure and teeth.