Should You Eat Kiwi Skins?

Should you eat kiwi skins

Also referred to as the Chinese gooseberry, kiwi is a refreshing, sweet-tart fruit that is often found in cakes and fruit salads. However, while most people will agree that it’s healthy and tasty, not everyone feels the same about its skin. Some find it disgusting because of its fuzzy texture while other choose to eat it because of its health benefits.

So, should you eat kiwi skins?

Nutritional Benefits of Kiwi Skin

The reason why some people choose to eat kiwi skin is because it’s rich in healthy nutrients like fiber, vitamin E, and folate. In fact, eating kiwi with the skin can increase the folate content by 32%, fiber by 50%, and vitamin E concentration by around 32%.

All of these nutrients have different health benefits. For example, high fiber intake is linked to a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease, while vitamin E is known for its potent antioxidant properties. The antioxidant content is one of the key reasons why people eat the skin, as there are more antioxidants in the skin than in the flesh.

Should You Eat Kiwi Skins?

However, there are some downsides to eating kiwi skin. Not only does it feel unpleasant for many people, but it can also cause irritation. This is because of the raphides – tiny calcium oxalate crystals that can scratch your skin.

You can remove the irritating fuzz by wiping the fruit with a towel or you can scrub it with a spoon. Alternatively, you can use a paring knife to slice the skin off completely.

The Bottom Line

Although kiwi skin is technically edible, many people avoid it because of the way it feels. If you want to try eating the skin because of its nutritional content, you may want to scrub the fruit using a spoon or a clean towel.

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